Dear John:
1. The chapter on surplus line brokers, in particular RCW 48.15.080 should reference that business may only be accepted from licensed producers. Closely related is the position of the association that all surplus line brokers must be licensed as producers as well as being licensed as surplus line brokers. See WAC 284-15-010(2)(a). While we recognize that this may not be true of a very small number of individuals, we believe they are either no longer practicing brokerage and/or can be grandfathered. We emphasize that the surplus line brokerage function is that of a surplus line intermediary representing (see RCW 48.15.020(2)(a)) the surplus line carrier and is thus essentially a wholesaler function. (When surplus line brokers deal directly with insureds they are acting under their producer license and are responsible to comply with requirements of that license. This viewpoint and position is key to the specific points that follow.
.180 Assumed names
.450 Place of business
.460 Display license
.475 Reply to OIC inquiries (also partially redundant)
.480 Account for funds
.600 Account for funds
.XXX Report out of state regulatory actions
Service on SLB via commissioner
Our client also agrees that references to surplus line brokers in the proposed “Technical Correction” statute are appropriate in the following Insurance Code chapters.
48.31 Insolvency jurisdiction, funds
48.43 Comparison immunity
48.50 Immunity for release of info to OIC
4. We believe that the following references govern the retail activities i.e., those in which the intermediary “deals directly” with the insured and thus should be applicable to surplus line brokers only under their producer’s license (which as we have noted all surplus line brokers must have – at least on a going forward basis).
48.05 - RBC reference in marketing
48.30 - Specific Retail Practices – e.g., inducements
48.56 - Premium Finance
48.62 - Government Self Ins.
48.92 - RPG marketing
- There is no published case law authority for such position and to our knowledge the OIC has not published any such position prior to consideration of the “Technical Corrections” legislation. In short, there is no authority for such proposition.
- Various provisions of the code are clearly inconsistent with any such intent on the part of code drafters. For example:
- If RCW Chapter 48.17 were automatically applicable to all surplus line brokers simply by use of the word “broker” there would be no need for any explicit inclusion of RCW Chapter 48.15 licensees in any provisions of RCW Chapter 48.17. Accordingly, the provisions of RCW Chapter 48.15.140 (1)(c) would have been unnecessary. That portion of RCW Chapter 48.15 provides that the commissioner may revoke surplus line licenses “for any of the causes for which a broker’s license may be revoked under Chapter 48.17. RCW.” It is contrary to sound interpretation practices to interpret any provision of the code as being unnecessary or redundant. Any claimed “automatic” application of RCW 48.17 to surplus line brokers would make this provision redundant. RCW 48.15.140(1)(c) directly undermines the OIC position.
- Additionally and importantly, the only portion of 48.17 that is invoked by 48.15.140(1)(c) is the portion of 48.17 that refers to “causes for which a broker’s license may be revoked.” This is simply and only a reference to RCW 48.17.530 on “refusal, suspension, revocation of licenses”. 48.17.530 explicitly states that the Commissioner may . . . revoke . . . any license which is issued or may be issued under this Chapter or any surplus line broker’s license for any cause specified in any other provision of this code or for any of the following causes: . . . .” Thus RCW Chapter 48.17.530 by explicitly including surplus line brokers in this section makes clear that without such explicit inclusion the revocation provisions, they would not apply to surplus line brokers. It can not plausibly be argued that RCW 48.17 automatically includes all surplus lines brokers. There would be no reason to reference surplus line brokers in RCW 48.17.530 or RCW 48.15.140 if their inclusion was automatic under RCW Chapter 48.17.
- Most fundamentally, the definition of a “broker” in RCW 48.17.020 is inconsistent with the OIC position. A broker is defined as a person who “on behalf of the insured” solicits, negotiates or procures insurance. Under RCW 48.15 the prohibition on acting as a surplus line broker without a surplus line broker license states that “a person may not, in this state, represent an unauthorized insurer, except as provided in this chapter. “It is clear by comparing these two provision that a “broker” as used in RCW Chapter 48.17 means someone who represents the insured whereas a surplus line broker means someone who “represents an unauthorized insurer”. While an individual licensee may hold (and often does hold) both licenses, in representing an insured the licensee is acting as a licensee under RCW 48.17 whereas in “representing” a surplus line insurer the licensee is acting under RCW 48.15. The code is clear that the fundamental functions of a RCW 48.17 broker and a RCW 48.15 surplus line broker are very different and explicitly so in the provisions of the code.
The Association concludes that any attempt to equate an RCW 48.17 “broker” who represents the insured with an RCW 48.15 surplus line broker who represents the surplus line insurer would in no way be construed as simply a “Technical Correction”. Any such attempt to equate the two would be a significant attempt to substantively change the law.
The distinction between agents and brokers (“producers” under the proposed statute) and a surplus line broker (which the proposed statute explicitly excludes from the “producer” category) has been and we hope will remain clear in the future.